What Causes Camper Lights To Dim And Brighten?

 Are the lights in your camper suddenly dimming and brightening? This is a common and irritating issue that has affected many camper owners. There can be many reasons why your camper’s lights dim and brighten randomly, the most probable being that something is wrong with your converter. It could be that a surge has damaged your converter, or it has simply aged to where it doesn’t out the same kind of power needed to properly work your lights. This problem could also apply to your batteries, as if they are damaged they won’t supply your lights with the power they need, resulting in dimming.

If your camper’s lights begin dimming and brightening randomly, you should first check to see the condition of your light bulbs. This may seem like a no-brainer, but in some situations your only problem could be that the bulbs need changed. If this problem still occurs after checking for dead light bulbs, then you should begin inspecting your inverter, converter, and batteries. All three of these parts are very important to keeping your lights running correctly, as if any one of them are damaged you could experience dimming throughout your camper.

Something you should keep in mind, especially if you haven’t owned your camper long, is if your batteries have enough voltage to power all your lights. If your batteries don’t have enough power, your lights may flicker or dim at times. It may also be that your batteries have been damaged, surged, or are simply getting too old. If you have recently changed out your lights for something that requires more power, it could be that your batteries can’t supply sufficient power.

While it could be that your issue is related to your batteries, it could actually be your battery charger that is having issues. Sometimes batteries and their chargers can get damaged over time due to climate and freezing temperatures. If your batteries and chargers have experienced past damage, it could be that over time they will give out, causing flickering and dimming to your camper’s lights. You should thoroughly examine your batteries and chargers to see if they need repaired or replaced, as you should every 3 to 5 years anyways.

If your problem is not with your batteries, it is most likely associated with the condition of your converter. Your converter should always hold a steady 13.6 to 13.8 volts at any point or time. However, if you find your converter is not emitting this kind of power, there is something wrong and it likely why you are experiencing dimming and flickering in your camper. You can test the voltage of your converter using a multi meter, which can be found at most hardware stores.

Electrical surges are likely the reason your converter has stopped emitting the same amount of power as before, as well as old age in general. Regardless of what caused the damage, it is important that you fix this problem as it could cause issues in anything the converter supplies power to.

While you may be able to fix your converter with the help of an electrician, however in most cases it would be best to replace it all together. Most catalytic converters will last for around 10 years depending on how often it is used, however after 10 years you should consider replacing regardless of condition to prevent frustrating situations.

Just because your issue is coming from your converter, it doesn’t mean the converter itself is bad. It may actually be that there are damaged or loose wires inside that simply need replaced or tightened.

This is something most anyone could repair on their own, however if you are not comfortable working with electrical, we do suggest you find professional help as electrical work can be very tricky and dangerous. If you do end up working with electrical on your own, make sure you are taking all the proper precautions and are aware of the dangers.

Continue reading to learn more about your camper’s converter and how to tell if it is damaged:

How Do You Know If Your RV Converter Is Bad?

Are you wondering if your RV’s converter is bad? This can be difficult to determine at times, especially as they get older and closer to being replaced. However, one of the most common signs of a bad converter, is when lights around your motor coach begin flickering or dimming. Converters not only affect your lighting, but also internal vents and cooling inside your camper. If any of these begin failing in any way, you may find this an indication that your converter is beginning to fail.

One of the easiest ways to determine if your issues are coming from your RV’s converter, would be by checking any device or battery that is charging from this power. If they have stopped charging all together, or charging significantly slower, there could be an issue with your converter. If you notice your outlets have stopped emitting power all-together, this is an even bigger indication that your converter is not supplying enough power to reach the outlets in the first place, which is a big problem.

Not only will lights and electrical outlets be out of power when your converter is bad, but your refrigerator will likely struggle to run. Fridges take up a lot of power, so when your converter fails to emit the required amount of power, your fridge will have a hard time keeping it’s contents cool. If your fridge has had a hard time keeping up lately, your converter is something you should keep in mind when finding a solution for your problem.

Once you have identified some or all of these problems around your RV camper, you will want to go directly to your converter and test the voltage. Most any converter should be around 13.6 to 13.8 volts, if you find your converter to be below this there is likely an issue. Converters rarely have issues, so when your’s does begin to act up, it is probably time to replace it. Most converters need replaced every 10 years, so you should be prepared to replace within this time period.

Continue reading and check out some of these great products to aid you in repairing your camper’s lights and converter:

Digital Multimeter Voltage Tester

This great versatile multi-meter tester gives an accurate reading that is easy to understand. This tester can detect various electrical currents such as AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, continuity, frequency, capacitance, and diode, temperature, wire on-off, and battery test. Check out this awesome, modern, digital multi-meter voltage tester.

Magid High Voltage Safety Gloves

When working with high electrical currents and voltages it is very important that you take every and all safety precaution. These gloves are made of durable shock-proof material that will protect your hands from being shocked or hurt while working with electrical. Check out these great protective gloves.

IOTA Engineering Power Converter

Looking for a reliable new converter option for your RV camper? This converter and battery charger option supplies you with the power you need. This converter supplies up to 30 amps of power to your camper. Check out this awesome power converter option for you.

We hope this article helped you determine why your camper’s light are dimming and brightening. Sharing problems and solutions can make RV living so much easier. So if we didn’t include something that you have experienced, please leave a comment below to share with others. Until then, enjoy, be safe and have fun RVing!
